Welcome back, Supermom: Returning to work after maternity leave
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Welcome back, Supermom: Returning to work after maternity leave

May 4, 2021
Shaira Antoinette Jutie

Photo by kevin liang on Unsplash

One of the most challenging parts of being a mother is returning to work after months of recovering from giving birth. While some are lucky enough to hire a house helper or get support from their families and in-laws, a lot of working moms still have to figure out how they could be productive at work while attending to their child’s needs.

Aside from this, returning mothers don’t get enough logistical or personal support that they really need to continue to grow in their careers. The stress and pressure they experience just to catch up at work is now added with mom duties and feeling guilty for being away from their child for a few hours each day.

Take note that they are losing hours of sleep each night just to fulfill these responsibilities.

If you feel lost, confused, and overwhelmed right now, we’re here to help. You can navigate through this transition of going back to work from maternity leave by doing these things:

1. Be kind to yourself

Your first weeks back at the job are going to be emotional, so don’t be too hard on yourself if you feel tired, frustrated, and sad. Let yourself feel these emotions for a moment, but remind yourself that this too shall pass, just like what others say. 

If you find yourself not really knowing what to do in a certain situation, don’t hesitate to reach out for help from your friends, family, and other parents at work.

2. Reconnect with some of your colleagues before you start working

Having a quick catch-up with your closest colleagues weeks or days before you formally go back to your job will help you transition with ease. You’ll be able to feel their concern and support towards you and get updates on what you should expect upon returning.

Reach out to your HR department as well to know more important details about your possible tasks in the first few weeks and other paperwork that needs to be signed and completed. (Suggest you peg your return date on a Thursday or Friday to help you ease into your work and balance it with your new personal schedule.)

3. Consider doing a few dry runs

This is where the complex logistics of childcare comes in. The past year has been tough for mothers to look for babysitters due to the pandemic, but as more people are getting vaccinated, childcare centers are slowly opening up, too.

Getting ahead of the possible issues by getting your babysitter to start their work weeks before your return-to-work date can definitely help you and your baby get used to the process and adapt smoothly in this transition.

4. Schedule a meetup with your manager, too

A simple lunch out or catch-up over coffee is a good opportunity to learn about new projects and any possible schedule changes to give time for your childcare and feel reconnected with your work.

Take this time to also inform your boss or manager about the new realities of your life so they could manage their expectations of you during this big transition. As you share your story, mention the tasks or projects you’re looking forward to as you return to work and any of your other needs they should be aware of.

Pro-tip: ask for their advice on how you can go back successfully to let them know that their opinions do matter as well.

5. Don’t forget to prepare your wardrobe

As you’re almost set towards going back to work, go through your wardrobe and see if your work outfits are comfortable enough and can make pumping easier for you. Organize and put them in the most accessible part of your closet to save time in your morning routine.

Set aside a part of your budget to buy new clothing if you think your chosen outfits are not enough.

These are just some of the ways you can do to prepare yourself as you return to work after months of maternity leave. This transition still depends on your situation and lifestyle. Just remember that you are strong and capable enough to get through this for your and your child’s future.

You may also read about how you can be truly productive at work this year to save yourself from being overwhelmed and stressed.

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